"Only those who will risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go"
T. S. Eliot

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Tuesday 6 Miles

I was excited to run this morning in this unusual January Iowa weather, 45F! Having days like this should make it a lot easier to train for a Spring marathon!

Monday, January 30, 2012

Week Eight

Week started with the rest day after the Sunday long run. I feel pretty tired from yesterday's 15 M run and hike. Did some weight lifting,  dumbell curls and bench presses; also, did some stretching and abs work. The right knee and now also my left hip hurt last night! I hope one day of rest is enough to recover.

Sunday, January 29, 2012

LSD Sunday 15 M

Is this what they call "recovery run"? Broke my 5K PR yesterday and my body still felt pretty good during the day, just afeeling some sore muscles. I wasn't sure if I should follow the marathon training plan today, long run, 15 miles, but I did. Around mile 10 or 12, my legs felt like they were made of lead, and bones and muscles started aching in weird places. I slowed down a little bit and continued my run.
I enjoyed the beautiful trail and river along the trail. I was thankful to be able to be running in such beautiful area.
Went hiking to the Greenbelt Trail in Cedar Rapids in the afternoon with the whole family. The kids seemed to be full of energy. They ran and hiked up the hills and played in the snow.

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Amana Freezer 5K

Race started at 10 AM (10:10 AM) and pickup package at 9 AM. Checked temp 22F, cold!
Set my Garmin to 5K and a 7:30 pace. Race started ten minutes after. I looked at my Garmin after a few minutes and I read some 80 ft!  Was I 80 ft ahead of my virtual partner, or had I ran just 80 ft? That number kept increasing, and I had strange doubts.  I was just happy to see I was ahead of my virtual partner and I was probably running too fast. So, I knew I could slow down a little bit (to do a negative split). Well, as expected, around Mile 2, there was a hill.  I knew I was doing OK with my pace. Going down the hill was slippery, but I took advantage of gravity. In the last mile, there was wind going against the runners. Turned left and a guy wanted to beat me.  We both ran as fast as we could to the finish line.
They posted results right after the race, and I found my name. I could not believe the pace: 6:55 min/mile!  fourth place in my age group.  There are definitely some fast runners in that race. I was able to chat with the top runners.  It's nice to see they are normal guys down to earth. It was a fun race!
Three top runners in each age group were awarded precious medals. I wished I could have gotten one.  I believe I will have a chance if I keep training hard and smart.

Friday, January 27, 2012

Rest Day

It's Friday! I got a good rest this morning. My knees feel great. But, I heard there will be more of that white stuff falling tonight.  It won't be much, so I expect roads will be clean tomorrow.
I learned today about a Chilean writer who lives right here in Iowa City. I wonder why I haven't had the opportunity to meet him? I looked him up and found out he is no longer here in Iowa. He has been named Chilean embassador in Mexico.  I hope I have the chance to meet him some day.

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Easy Run 5 Miles

Following the training program.  Set the Garmin for 9:00 min/mile pace.  I was able to run a little bit faster than that! Weather was great (32 F). Now, let's give some rest to those legs until Saturday.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Easy Run 4 M

Taking a break for my legs. Easy run this morning with a wonderful weather. Hope to do better this Saturday than last year. That is my goal. I am thinking about setting the Garmin for 7:30 pace. I'd like to do better than that, so, I plan to see the clear screen (ahead of my virtual partner).

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Speed Work

I was discouraged to go to the track at the Trojan Field.  It was probably icy and slippery. I was encouraged to do my speed work on Mormon Trek. 3 X 1 mile, with 2 min rest. I was happy with the results: 6:33; 7:19; 7:16. I will be happy if I can do sub 7:30 this Saturday.

Monday, January 23, 2012

Week 7

Monday. Rest Day. My knee is healing!  It still aches but just lightly. I think decreasing the milage and getting rest has helped quite a lot.
Planing to run the Amana Freezer 5K this Saturday. I need to get better chronos than last year (5K, 24:27, 7:53 min/mile). I plan to do 3Xmile tomorrow at the Trojan Field.  Let's see what kind of chronos I get tomorrow.

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Sunday 5 M Run

Ran this morning with BF. He is getting ready to go to FL next weekend. My beginner training program called for 5 M only, a nice break in the program. I will have to adjust the program for next weekend if I want to run the Amana Freezer 5K on Saturday.

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Sat 5 M Run

It is always nice to run with friends. Ran today with SM for five miles. There was some snow still on parts of the trails. But most of the snow had been plowed. Temp was cold, but not too bad.
We are celebrating Chinese New Year this evening (Year of the Dragon).  Getting together with some families in Marion, IA at Green Leaves Restaurant.

Friday, January 20, 2012

Fri Day Rest

I stayed in bed this morning. My legs needed a good rest. I listened to this GeeksInRunningShoes podcast where Ray was diagnosed with some stress fracture and had to stop exercising for 1.5 months! That is pretty scary!  How do we know about this injuries?  How can we avoid them?
The temperature has been so cold, I didn't feel like going to an event I wanted to attend yesterday. I hope weather improves a little bit.  Maybe, I just need to re-learn to bundle up more. There was a snow storm in the afternoon, and children were dismissed two hours early from school.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Thu 6 M Run

It was very cold again (Temp = 8 F). I felt very tired, but I knew I had 6 miles to run. Got up and went outside fast so I could be back on time. Mission accomplished! Lesson learned: live one day at a time!  Just do what you have to do today. Tomorrow will be another day.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Wed 4 M Run

Very cold morning (almost zero degrees). Put on something like five or six shirts and went outside.  I thought I ran my last three miles pretty fast, but my pace was only slightly above 9 min/mile. Is it the cold weather that make me run slower?  Is it my IT band syndrome?  My knee does not hurt once my muscles get warmed up. Got home and shoveled some snow off the driveway.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Tue 4 M easy Run

Got up and found snow falling and covering all roads (30F). Put several layers on my body and went out for my training. My IT band still hurts. Ibuprofen alone is not the solution. Ran for four miles and decided to skip my Hill Workout for the week. Don't want to put more extra work on that knee. Had to remove snow with the snowblower before getting ready to go to work.

Monday, January 16, 2012


Rest day.  My knee (IT Band) is still bothering me. I stayed home with Assen because we are celebrating MLK day. Started the morning cooking a delicious breakfast. Assen practiced SpellingCity and violin. We visited my lab and put some dry ice pieces in water. He loves to see how the dry ice evaporates because of the heat of the water. We had some time to play golf with the Wii.
I listened to the newest podcast from GeeksInRunningShoes.  I thought a challenge for the week could be to log in something in DailyMile everyday of this week. So, I went for a two mile walk.  My right knee/IT band was aching pretty bad.  I have been stretching and doing everything I can think of to get rid of this pain. But nothing seems to work. I don't remember ever having any ache alike this before.

Sunday, January 15, 2012

LSD 12 M Sunday

My knee did not hurt while leg muscles were warm. Ran about ten miles with B, for a total of 12 M. It really helps my pace running with friends. Temp was cold (14F). Took off my gloves to eat a gu after mile 10, and after a few more minutes my thumb was almost frozen. Put my gloves back immediately. The last mile going uphill was tough. My legs felt like pretty stiff.
Went hiking around the lake in Kent Park, in the afternoon. It was cold because of the wind. The kids love to get outside. They are also excited with the new wii game we got.
I read in FB that Tarahumaras are having different kinds of problems in their communities.  Here's a link to the Copper Canyon Ultra Marathon. These people are starving to death because of a drought together with cold weather and lack of federal support.

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Easy Run Saturday

It hurts somewhere on my knee (see picture). It aches even when I walk.  Time to slow down a little bit and take some rest (I need to make an appointment to see a doctor).  I was told in DM that my problem is IT Band (Iliotibial band)Syndrome. I will need to do some special exercises to strengthen certain muscles to fix my problem.
Following my new training program. Went for an easy run this morning.  Thermometer read 11F. Sidewalks were plowed for the most part.
Tried to follow the Marathon Trials on the web.  It worked for a few miles, but not all links worked. The three men team to London: Meb Keflezighi, Ryan Hall, and Abdi Abdirahman (2:09). The three women team to London: Shalane Flanagan, Desiree Davila, and Kara Goucher (2:25). Watched the trials on TV (repeat).  It is so inspiring.  These guys worked so hard, push themselves so hard, for 26.2 miles.  Think of all the training behind! These people are amazing!

Friday, January 13, 2012

Mandatory Rest Day

My right knee is aching more and more.  Snow is covering the roads, sidewalks and trails. Definitely, an obligatory rest day. My training program called for seven miles, but my body calls for rest. I think I will change my training program to one not as demanding.
I saw a couple of videos of the Mexican presidential candidate, Pena-Nieto. Are there any other presidential candidates out there? Everybody talks about how ignorant he is.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Snow is finally here!

I completed the seven miles as planned this morning.  Feel very proud about it!  The weather was totally inclement! There were strong winds all night and morning. I had icy-snow hitting my face while running. Parts of the trails were cleared of snow because of the wind, but most others were probably up to six inches high. I was glad to run with the pace I planned (10 min/mile).
Had to use my snow blower at night for the first time this year.  Let's see how many more times I will have to use it.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Wed Short Run

Did my short run this morning, four miles.  Went solo after the first mile (pace: 9:08; 8:59; 8:22). I need to do some planning for tomorrow if I want to complete the seven miles requested by the program. I hear we might have some white stuff tonight...  I hope it does not screw up my training tomorrow.
Weather continuos to be totally unseasoned. Temp was up to 59F while I went for lunch.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Puffin' Hill Workout

I felt great running this morning, hill workout.  Yesterday's rest day was very helpful. My chronos were a lot better than a week ago! Temp was 28 F, still pretty dry weather. Snow is expected Wed and Th.  Let's see how much of the white stuff we get this week.
I have been debating about which marathon to run.  At this time, I think the Christie Clinic Illinois Marathon seems to fit my schedule the best. Maybe, the River Run 2012 will take place on Sunday, April 15 and I could do a 10K.

Monday, January 9, 2012

Monday Rest Day

My right knee is hurting (the inside). Maybe it's time to visit the doctor. It was nice staying in the bed this morning and not having to get out in the cold. 

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Sunday LSD

I needed to run 14 miles this morning, but ended up doing 15.5. I ran the first 5 miles at 11 min/mi. I ran the rest at 9:10 min/mi. My body responded pretty well for the most part, but I felt my mind was playing games with me (just a little bit). I think these long runs are not only trainings for the body, but more for the mind. My feet were just fine the first few miles, but later my right toes starting to hurt.  Wished I could just take off my shoes or changed them for the Trail Gloves where they have more room.
My legs felt pretty sore in the afternoon. I am glad to have a rest day tomorrow.

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Saturday Easy Run

Second day of the training program (week 5/20). Had to do three miles (not sure what pace), but I ran four easy  miles.  Tomorrow will be the grand challenge (14 miles).  I read, I just should jump into my tennis shoes and go for it.  Don' think too much about it. I'll bring some music with me, so times goes faster.
I enjoyed taking Sophia to her gymnastics class in Synergy Gymnastics after we all had breakfast.

Friday, January 6, 2012

Marathon Madness Selection

Started a training program for a marathon. My day rest will be Mondays after my Sunday LSDs.  I had to start on week 5/20. Oh well, that was a quick start. Let's see how it goes. I ran six miles today to Apple-Bee's. Tomorrow will be an easy three mile run.  But Sunday will be pretty challenging!

Here's a list of the Spring marathons near IC:
GO! St Louis Marathon, April 15
Marion Rotary Marathon for Shoes, April 20 (Not sure if this one is happening)
Madison Marathon, May 27
Marathon to Marathon, June 9

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Hill Training

My legs felt very tired this morning, but I decided to get out of bed and do my hill workout as planed. I found out there is a marathon race in Marion, IA on Sunday, April 22. I have some timing issues with the marathon in St Louis. So, Marion Marathon might be an option.
Work is driving me crazy.  Running gives me a goal in life and helps me put things in perspective. Glad to be healthy and be able to put some miles on the road.
Here's a great YouTube video about this great breakthrough preventive medicine they have discovered to havde a healthy life.  Watch it!

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Wed Morning Run

Temp was 28 F. My upper body was too warm covered with many layers of clothes. My face could have used some of that heat.  Ran the first mile slow, and then tried to speed up. Had to take my son to school this morning, so not much time to run. 
I was listening to the newest GeeksInRunningShoes podcast last night and had the nice suprise to hear the guys mentioning my name! I sent them an e-mail a few weeks ago telling them a little bit about German Silva and Nahila Hernandez.  I hope they can contact them and interview them in one of their podcasts.  That would be awesome!
I went for a second run in the afternoon while my son was in his TKD class. I did a 3.25 mile loop.  Hopefully, I can do a two loop in the future.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Tuesday Intervals?

I am not sure if one day of rest was enough for my legs. I planed to do 400 mts intervals at the Trojan Field track on Tuesdays. But I felt tired and cold and stiff, and did not have the will to go to the track. I ran the first mile slow trying to warm up then I speeded up a little bit  for the rest of the distance totalling about 4.7 miles.
My left knee was making this cracking noise when I walked to lunch.  It makes lots of noise, but it does not hurt.  I had this problem sometime ago.  I went to the doctor and he directed me to a physical therapist.  They recommended some specific exercises. The knee got less noisy by doing the recommended homework. I will try to do those stretching exercises recommended to me previosuly.

Monday, January 2, 2012

Second day of the year

Monday is my recovery day. Leg muscles are sored and need some rest. Thought about going for a bicycle ride, but weather is not cooperating yet. Too cold and windy outside. Watched some videos of Desiree Davila, the US marathoner who is expected to do a great performance in the Olympic Trials that will take place in Houston on January 14.  Two other women runners are expected to be part of the US women team, Shalane Flanagan and Kara Goucher. The Olympic games will take place in London July/August this year. I guess this will be the last marathon these athletes will race before Olympic games. Best of luck to Desiree, a hispanic runner from San Diego.
I finally decided to get the bicycle out and bike Clear Creek Trail.  This trail is hilly and surrounded by green areas with lots of nice trees. It is currently three miles long, but an extension of the trail is expected to occur soon. Temperature was freezing and the wind did not help. But I learned to protect myself with layers after living in Iowa for a decade and a half. The ride went fine, but for a moment or two, I thought I was going to suffer some kind of hypothermia! I brought my camera along and took some pictures of the area.

Sunday, January 1, 2012

New Year's Day

It's the first day of the year! The best day to start a new blog!  I thought I could write about my efforts to achieve physical fitness and other stuff. I will turn 50 this year, and I thought I should run my first marathon (although somebody suggested me I should run a 50K instead!).
It has been pretty windy today. But the wind and the cold weather did not stop me from going outside. Ran 10.7 miles in the morning, and walked about 2.5 miles in the afternoon. Trails in Iowa City are beautiful. I was in three trails today, Willow Creek, Clear Creek, and Sycamore Greenway. You can be the best or the worst fit person in this country. We have the most beautiful trails to exercise, but we also have all the facilities to avoid even walking, you choose!