"Only those who will risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go"
T. S. Eliot

Saturday, October 26, 2013

The importance of being challenged

Animals in the wild are challenged everyday. If they want to live another day, they have to keep moving and be smart, right? they really have no choice. They live challenging themselves everyday, Its a survival thing for them.
We all need to be challenged. We are challenged to be better. If we don;t challenge ourselves, we will plateau and never improve.
Can I run faster the next 5K? Can I lose some weight this month? Can I finish reading my book on time this month? Can I have better ideas for research?
I'd wish everybody practice to be challenged. Can we be challenged every day?  If we are, we'll be better human beings.

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Run for the Schools Half Marathon

Assen and Sophia decided to run the 5K. We drove two different cars. I never saw my kids at the start line. I stood next to Gene W and behind Craig B. Somebody sang the national anthem, but his mic was not working, so most people didn't even noticed they were singing it. The race started and I tried to run my own race. Then, I ran into Nathalie M. She told me she could run with me for a few miles, and she did.  We were going about 7:30 pace or faster. I didn't mind if she wanted to run faster, and I let her go about Mile four or five.
I saw this fast female runner ahead of me and thought about chasing her.  It was not until mile 7 or 8 that I was able to pass her. She told me 'good job' and never saw her again. She looked very strong. Later, I learned her name was Julie Johnston. I found her name in Athlinks and read her very inspiring story. She's run 13 marathons today. No wonder why she is such a good runner! She is the pacer at Quad-Cities!
I kept a pretty good pace most of the race. I was happy to see Dan Beck at mile 12. He ran more than half a mile with me and pushed my limits!  Thanks Dan! This hill at college avenue was tougher than ever. Then, I just let gravity help me get to the finish line. My Garmin registered 1 hr 38 min.

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Presidential Mile

Downtown Iowa City has organized a series of three races, 3K, 1 Mile, and a 2K. Last Sunday, I ran the 1 mile race for the first time. I thought I could finish it in at least 6 and a half minutes. I knew Craig B was a faster runner my age, so I placed just behind him. The horn sounded and this guy just took off like a bullet. No way I could stay next to him, so I just tried to run my own race. Knew the route, since I had ran the 3K three weeks ago, and the route was very similar. After making the first right turn, I knew it was almost half the race, so I decided to give it all. I was able to pass one or two guys and finished in six minutes six seconds, a PR! LINK to Results.
Kids younger than twelve ran the race before the men. This young nine year old, Bryson Canton finished in six minutes six seconds! I guess I have competition with the guys my age, and also with the twelve year olds. Next race will be the Run for the Schools Half Marathon in two weeks. Ihope to be totally recovered from the marathon. 
Karen is running a 5K this coming Sunday. It's called 'Especially for You.' The race starts at 8:00 AM.