"Only those who will risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go"
T. S. Eliot

Saturday, September 14, 2013

IC downtown races

Signed up for three races. They are called the IC downtown races. The first one will be tomorrow starting at 3:33 PM. It will be 3 K distance. That's less than 2 miles. My strategy will be to run next to this guy and take off after the first mile, so I can do a negative split. Let's see if I follow the plan. 
The temperature has been coming down. It was sub 50's this morning and I wore two shirts and long sleeves. Ran five miles with Karen. We went a little bit faster than usual. My Achilles hurts before I warm up my muscles. I am sure that if I warm up properly the Achilles will not bother me at all.

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