"Only those who will risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go"
T. S. Eliot

Wednesday, July 5, 2017

4th of July

I am writing this blog one day after the 4th of July. Got to see my daughter and she made my day as usual.
I have been thinking about my running after volunteering at the Fifth Season Races in Cedar Rapids and signing up for the Mexico City Marathon. The question I keep hearing is, why do you run?
A quick answer is I run because I want to stay fit and healthy. But, there are more deep thoughts about this.
I run because I experience something deeper when I run. It's not the adrenaline and it's not the endorphins. It's some strange feeling about connecting with other fellow runners. Isn't running an individual sport. Not really, It is more like a team sport. We help each other, we encourage each other. We keep each other accountable.

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