A note appeared published on The Mighty 1630 KCJJ on December 7th, 2019. This is really what happened.
I went for dinner to Panda Express on the address mentioned on the paper. This happened on Sunday, September 15th, 2019. Of course, I did not have any knowledge that BEATRIZ OFELIA GALLARDO was working in the establishment. Her Temporary Residency papers expired on October 2, 2019. She is a Psychologist and a former Professor in Mexico. Why was she working as a cook in a Panda Express? She owns three properties in Mexico City. She had her own private practice as a psychologist in Mexico City. It makes no sense that she continues to work as a cook and washing dishes in this country.
I asked for my food and sat down. A young girl who worked in the establishment came to my table and told me I should not be there because BEATRIZ OFELIA GALLARDO was working there. I apologized and told her I did not know that. I took my food and went home to finish it.

On December 1st, I went to the CourtHouse to pay child support for my children from my previous marriage. I was told there was a warrant for my arrest and I could not leave! They took me to jail and I had to spend the night in jail. I was bailed out with $4,000 dlls.
Sometime in March, there was a hearing for my case. The prosecutor ANDREA JENSEN recommended for me to serve jail time. Really? why? for going to Panda Express? Not exactly. Because I went to the place where BEATRIZ OFELIA GALLARDO works! Yes, ok. I get that. But, I had no idea she worked there. I did not see her and I did not go with the intention to see her! Oh, ok, I get then Ms. ANDREA JENSEN. The system is made to screw up people, no matter what. To get their pockets empty and get the white people rich. Ok, got it! I do not need my PhD to see this.
Concurrently, I was accused for violating Probation. therefore I had to go to court again for that.
A "negotiation" with the prosecutor ended up in me paying a fine for $725 dollars. In my country, where I was born, and the one I decided to leave because of all its corruption, that "negotiation" is called bribe. Yeah, humans are all the same. Yeah, there is also corruption in this country. But, the "civilized" people call it differently.
I had to go to jail for seven days. I had to pay a fine. Really? for going to a fast food place? I never saw BEATRIZ GALLARDO. I do not want to see this woman ever in my life. She has done so much damage and she is so evil that she does not deserve to be even in my thoughts (not to mention in this beautiful country).
The legal system in this country is broke. I am so sorry this happens to innocent people. I believe the system was created to put money into the pockets of some white people. I feel very sorry for these times. I hope and pray the system changes. Not for me, but for my children. I hope they do not go through any of the suffering I have gone in my life in the past two years.
Here's the Transcript of the Note that appeared on KCJJ:
Iowa City Police say a former associate professor at the University of Iowa violated a no-contact order by entering a business that employs his ex-wife.
According to arrest records, 57-year-old Horacio Fernando Olivo Hernandez of MacBride Drive entered Panda Express on Highway 1 West just after 8pm on September 15th. Police say Olivo Hernandez’s ex-wife works at the restaurant, and his visit to the establishment was caught on security video.
Olivo Hernandez was accused of physically assaulting his then-wife at the couple’s home in January of 2018. She also claimed her husband belittled her by making fun of her job, her poor English-speaking skills and her then-17-year-old daughter. He also allegedly stole her identity and citizenship papers, which UI Police later recovered.
Olivo Hernandez was charged with Domestic Abuse Assault Without Intent Causing Injury. He reached a plea deal and was given credit for time served. Court records show he has since faced other no-contact order violations and stalking charges.
Olivo Hernandez was an associate professor in the Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Experimental Therapeutics. He is no longer listed in online UI directories.