"Only those who will risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go"
T. S. Eliot

Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Peroneus longus

Did not run for a few days after the marathon until today. I still have this pain on the outside of my leg. I believe this muscle is called Peroneus Longus.
I am icing the calf muscles several times a day. I want to stay away from ibuprofen. I found some videos on YouTube on how to strengthen these muscles. Exercises and icing seem to be working. 

Peroneus longus

Did not run for a few days after the marathon until today. I still have this pain on the outside of my leg. I believe this muscle is called Peroneus Longus.
I am icing the calf muscles several times a day. I want to stay away from ibuprofen. I found some videos on YouTube on how to strengthen these muscles. Exercises and icing seem to be working. 

Grandma's Marathon

Traveled to Duluth, MN and stayed in a dorm at Scholastica College. Not the best bedroom, but it was OK. The problem was that all restaurants were far away.

Marathon started and I tried to take it easy.  Mistake: Believing a miracle will occur and I'd be able to run fast for 26 miles. Stayed closed to Wendy and Cristi for half a marathon. Not a good idea. I should have stayed with Dan instead.
I paid for my mistake in mile 13. Had to walk/run. This method is not that bad, and I was still able to finish in a decent time (pace: 9:40 MPM), or no so decent?


Grandma's Marathon

Traveled to Duluth, MN and stayed in a dorm at Scholastica College. Not the best bedroom, but it was OK. The problem was that all restaurants were far away.

Marathon started and I tried to take it easy.  Mistake: Believing a miracle will occur and I'd be able to run fast for 26 miles. Stayed closed to Wendy and Cristi for half a marathon. Not a good idea. I should have stayed with Dan instead.
I paid for my mistake in mile 13. Had to walk/run. This method is not that bad, and I was still able to finish in a decent time (pace: 9:40 MPM), or no so decent?

Garmin Connect

Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Tapering Time

It's Wednesday. Marathon is Saturday morning. I might go running easy this evening. My leg is feeling a lot better. I still have pain on the side of the leg, but it is bearable. I am happy to have survived the five miles on Tuesday morning. It looks like the calf sleeve helps and it also helps to warm up as much as possible before going for the run.

Monday, June 13, 2016

Side Leg Pain

Cannot get rid of this pain on the side of my leg!  It hurts badly in the mornings and makes me run like a 100 year old man! But, once muscles warm up, leg is fine!  I guess that is the secret, warm-up!
I have been tapering for the past few days. Friday morning ran from RunningWild store to the track and back. Saturday and Sunday ran about seven miles run/walk intervals of one minute. This morning, I rode my bike for about ten miles. 
I hope my leg recovers and I can run 26.2 miles on Saturday morning in Duluth. Not expecting a BQ, but hopefully a PR! 3 hr 45 min. 

Sunday, June 5, 2016

Dam to Dam Half Marathon 2016

Time: 7:00 AM, June 4th, 2016
TIME: 1 hr 57 min 15 sec
Pace: 8:57 MPM

We parked on the street in downtown Des Moines (Locust and 5th). Walked to where the school buses were and took us to the dam. Buses were loaded with lots of runners. Weather was perfect, not cold, not hot. Found porta-poties available at the very end of the road. We also met our running friends and posed for the traditional photo.

Runners lined up according to their pace along the dam. Started my watch after crossing the blue mats. It seems like no pacers were available for the race. Stayed with my running friends for the first six miles. Had some energy on my legs, so I tried to maintain the initial pace or better. Finished without my friends, but just before two hours. 
Mile seven is where the highest point is. Everything else is pretty much downhill.
Winner of the race today was our Iowa City friend Nick Holmes!

There was plenty of food at the finish line. Gatorade, water, chocolate milk, bananas, and BBQ sandwiches. Of course, we received a pretty medal after crossing the finish line.

There were beer and Smirnoff drinks for the adult runners. Of course, you don't have to wait to much for your drinks if you finish the race fast!

Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Running Shoes: Why we don't need them

Running Shoes: Why we don't need them

Need to start running barefoot sometime soon. Running barefoot alone is not going to make you a good runner, but it will help you improve your running form. The best way to learn how to run is by doing it slowly and barefoot.  Running barefoot has its own caveats, your feet are going to get dirty. For this reason, one way to solve the problem is by running on simple sandals. The best sandals I have found so far are the Luna Sandals fabricated  by Barefoot Ted. Currently, I wear Columbia sandals and they work just fine. As Chris McDougall puts it, "the less, the better."