"Only those who will risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go"
T. S. Eliot

Monday, September 18, 2017

Omaha Marathon 2017

This was the first time I officially paced a group in a marathon. I paced the 4 hr 40 min group. It was a small race, only 270 runners finishing the Full marathon. But, there were about 700 runners doing the Half. Pacers met around 6:00 AM near the start line and we got to know each other a little bit. Weather was excellent. A little bit cold early in the morning, but once we started running, we forgot about the cold weather. Tried to maintain the 10:40 pace in every mile, but of course, I was slightly faster than that, so I tried to slow down or walk during the water stops.

I was happily surprised I was going to pace a group of runners. They were all very nice people, and we talked while we were running the first few miles. I think some of them knew each other and were from Omaha.
The problem was that I ran for 26.5 miles and not 26.2 miles, so, even though my pace was 10:40 mpm, I finished about 1 min 30 sec late.

Garmin Connect

Friday, September 1, 2017

Alternator Workout

Track workout for Friday, September 1st, 2017

distance pace Time Real Pace
1 mile warm-up 10:11 10:11
800 m  10K 3:54 7:51
200 m recovery
300 m 5K 1:13 6:31
300 m recovery
800 m 10K 4:00 8:03
200 m recovery
300 m 5K 1:17 6:53
300 m recovery
800 m 10K 3:42 7:27
200 m recovery
300 m 5K 1:15 6:42
300 m recovery
800 m 10K 3:37 7:17
200 m recovery
300 m 5K 1:03 5:38
1 mile cool-down 8:41 8:41