"Only those who will risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go"
T. S. Eliot

Friday, July 28, 2017


The famous Bix7 race in Davenport will be tomorrow. The race is often run by more than 12,000 runners and it is the most famous non-marathon race in the mid-west.

I have run this race a few times in the past.  The first two miles are pretty crowded and it is hard to run a PR when you are behind lots of slower runners. However, it is a lot of fun to be running with so many people. Brady St. has an 8% grade and it is a tough first mile. This will be the fourth time I run this race. I was planing to run it with my friend Salvador. Unfortunately, he will not be running it this year, so I will need to change plans. Maybe, I will practice my CDMX Marathon pace. Don't want to get too tired if I am running a long distance run on Sunday. 

July 29, 2017

9:00 – 9:09 est.
July 30, 2016
July 28, 2012
July 30, 2011

Friday, July 14, 2017

BeastPacing @ Omaha

I learned about BeastPacing.com and decided to join them. Fortunately, I will be able to run the Omaha Nebraska Marathon on September 17. That's about three weeks after the Mexico City Marathon. I plan to pace the 4 hr 40 min group. I am sure I can finish a marathon in that pace group (about 10:40 min/mile). But, I am not sure how much training I need to do. Hopefully, I will figure it out. We shall see. I am excited. 

Wednesday, July 5, 2017

4th of July

I am writing this blog one day after the 4th of July. Got to see my daughter and she made my day as usual.
I have been thinking about my running after volunteering at the Fifth Season Races in Cedar Rapids and signing up for the Mexico City Marathon. The question I keep hearing is, why do you run?
A quick answer is I run because I want to stay fit and healthy. But, there are more deep thoughts about this.
I run because I experience something deeper when I run. It's not the adrenaline and it's not the endorphins. It's some strange feeling about connecting with other fellow runners. Isn't running an individual sport. Not really, It is more like a team sport. We help each other, we encourage each other. We keep each other accountable.